2 Timothy 2:2 in Action

2 Timothy 2:2 in Action

Picture1National Theological College and Graduate School (NTCGS) exists to carry out the 2 Timothy 2:2 Principle — equipping nationals to plant and lead churches in their own countries.  The recent graduations help to evaluate the success in reaching this goal. The principle itself involves three stages:

Stage 1:  Paul teaching Timothy

Stage 2:  Timothy teaching “faithful men”

Stage 3:  the “faithful men” teaching “others”

Over the past few years, almost annually, there has been a graduating class from either Egypt, Jordan, or Lebanon.  Most of these were milestones representing Stage 1- American professors (Pauls) training Arabic students (Timothys). The first three graduating cohorts in Egypt, and the first two in Jordan, fall under this category.

Cohort 2 in Egypt marked the beginning of the transition towards Stage 2. ten percent of these courses were taught by a graduate of the Master of Biblical Studies program. The same is true of Cohort 1 in Lebanon. The current schedule for the ongoing cohort in Egypt and Jordan calls for 20-25% of the courses to be taught by our national brethren — Timothys!

What about Stage 3? This past spring in Egypt  twenty-three students graduated with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies. These are “faithful men” who are being taught by NTCGS graduates — “Timothys”. This is primarily Stage 2.  Of these “faithful men” who graduated, several are already involved or are preparing themselves to take up the mantle of teaching “others” also.

We are grateful for the Pauls who laid the foundation to this work and for the Apolloses who are watering. We rejoice that God is giving the increase! To God be the glory!