To the best of your knowledge, is the applicant born again? YesNo
If no, please explain below
Please evaluate the applicant in the following areas by marking: 5 - outstanding 4 - above average 3 - average 2 - below average 1 - poor N - no information
What outstanding abilities would you say the applicant possesses?
Does the applicant have any personal habits which would disqualify him from becoming an acceptable student? YesNo
Has the applicant been disciplined or dismissed from another college or university, or local church? YesNo
Do you recommend this applicant for admission to NTCGS? YesNo
If yes, please check one: with enthusiasmwith reservationwith confidencewith reluctance
Please use this space to give any additional information from above questions or other information which is pertinent.
Name of Reference:
Email Address: