Student Covenant

The mission of National Theological College and Graduate School (NTCGS) is to train national leaders in their culture to establish, equip, and multiply local churches. NTCGS provides quality instruction in God’s Word for the purpose of fulfilling 2 Timothy 2:2.


“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also”.


As a student in the National Theological College and Graduate School Bible Diploma Program:


  1. I pledge to attend all required classes and acknowledge that unapproved absences may disqualify me from continuing in the program or receiving a diploma.
  2. I will strive to arrive a few minutes early for each class session.
  3. I will pay attention and participate in class discussion.
  4. I will do my best to complete all assignments on time in a way that honors God.
  5. If I have a disagreement with a doctrinal position of NTCGS, I will not argue or try to persuade others to my position while enrolled in the class.
  6. I understand I will not get college credit from this non-formal program, and upon completion, the diploma will not qualify me to enter a bachelor’s degree program.
  7. I have read and acknowledge the NTCGS doctrinal position.
  8. I have read and agree to follow the NTCGS Student Handbook’s standards of character and conduct.
  9. I intend to teach others the truths I learn in this program.
  10. My desire is to glorify God in my life and ministry for Him.

    Student Signature
