National Theological
College & Graduate School 

NATIONAL is an academic institution founded upon 2 Timothy 2:2 providing strong academic training in Biblical truths to national church leaders. This training, based on a Biblical hermeneutic, produces leaders who minister effectively in their own culture.

You Can Help Bring Biblical Training to National Christian Leaders!

As we wrap up the final months of 2022, our goal is to raise $180,000 by December 31,2022. This is to ensure the ongoing training of the current students and to begin new cohorts of students who are waiting to start their studies. To date, $46,500 has already been pledged by generous donors who want to provide this biblical training to national Christian leaders.  Will you join them and help reach our goal so this training can continue? Click HERE to donate today!


Our Free Gift
to You

As a thank you for your part in this ministry, we would like to send you a free eBook called Gospel Meditations for Missions. The 31-day devotional eBook will challenge you in what Christ wants done and is doing among the nations. Click HERE to receive your free gift.

Year-End Giving Opportunities

The NATIONAL board and I would like to express our thanks to our generous supporters and prayer warriors. This ministry is changing the lives of dedicated Christian men and women as they study God’s Word. Christ is being proclaimed in the Middle East and East Africa because of you and your faithful giving to the student’s training. As we look forward to 75 new students beginning in the next twelve months, we are excited with the prospect of teaching those that the Lord sends us. Would you prayerfully consider having a part in the training of these Christian leaders?

There are two ways that you can make a difference in the lives of these students.

SAS—Through the Share-a-Scholarship program you can make it possible for this vital work to continue and expand. Every $100 given covers the cost of one student for one month of training. $1,200 provides one year of training.

TAP—The Translation And Publishing projects provide you an opportunity to help toward the translation and publishing of vital theological books into the Arabic language. These books provide another means of shaping and equipping Christians for the Great Commission.

For more information head over to our Giving page

Committed Christian leaders are waiting for this Bible training!

Gratefully in Christ,
Frankie Matthews, NATIONAL President

The three current TAP projects are:

1. Theological Dictionary—Printing 1,000 copies = $2,750. This book, written by an NATIONAL graduate, is a first of its kind for the Arabic-speaking Christians.

2. The World and the Word—Reprinting 2,000 = $15,500. This book was widely acclaimed in the Middle East and the first 2,000 copies sold out quickly.

3. Proverbs, A Mentor Commentary—Printing 2,000 copies = $11,600. This book will be used as a textbook for the NATIONAL class: Proverbs, A Guide for Today’s Youth.

Join NATIONAL as a student or supporter and help fulfill the Great Commission.


Join scores of energetic and capable individuals who are being taught Biblical truths through the study of God’s Word. Connect with our dedicated alumni who have returned to their cities, towns, and villages evangelizing, discipling, strengthening and planting new churches.


Be a part of a vibrant ministry and see God at work. Invest in the lives of godly men and women who are changing their world.


Be a part of a vibrant ministry and see God at work. Invest in the lives of godly men and women who are changing their world.


    Official newsletter of National Theological College and Graduate School

  • Bible & Theology Matters

    Enjoy Bible and Theology Matters hosted by Dr. Paul Weaver, DTS professor and NTCGS professor and board member.

  • Textbook Translation Project

    The lack of good theological textbooks in the Middle East countries where NTCGS serves has necessitated the translation of books for our Arabic-speaking students.