Admissions – Bible Diploma Program

Welcome To The Application for the Bible Diploma Program – Busia

We are glad to know you are interested in studying with NTCGS. Below are the steps to completing your application. Please feel free to contact Mr. Francis Onyinge ( with any questions you might have

  1. Complete and submit your official online application for admisson. Click here to get started.
  2. Submit a recent full-face photo.
  3. Complete the required salvation testimony essay. Your testimony can be written in the personal essay section of the application.
  4. Read and sign the Statement of Faith indicating essential agreement with the NTCGS doctrinal position. Click here to sign form
  5. Read and sign the Student Covenant Form indicating your agreement in following the guidelines. Click here to sign form
  6. Supply one character references. The character reference must be completed by your pastor or a pastoral staff member. You may use another church official if your pastor is a relative. When you supply us with the email address for your reference, we will send a convenient e-reference form to them to complete.
  7. Complete an Interview An NTCGS staff member will contact you to set up an interview time.