Core Values

We Value the Word of God

2 Timothy 2:15


Our value of God’s Word will be evidenced by our personal commitment to consistently read, correctly interpret, understand, and apply it first of all to our own lives as an organization. Second, it will be evidenced in our commitment to teach national leaders a Biblical hermeneutic that will help them to correctly interpret, understand, and apply His Word to their lives.

We Value the Development of Godly Character

1 Timothy 4:6~7


We believe that a good understanding of God’s Word should lead to the development of Godly character first of all in our lives as an organization. Godly character is built upon the foundation of God’s Word. Growth and development comes through the work of God’s Spirit through God’s Word, accompanied by the practice of spiritual disciplines which foster spiritual growth.

We Value the Training of Reproducing Leaders Worldwide

2 Timothy 2:2


Dynamic personal growth will have an impact upon others. Students at NATIONAL will be taught how to lead others into a dynamic relationship with God that begins with a Biblical hermeneutic, and leads to the development of Godly character, which will impact others in a repeating cycle.

We Value People

John 17


As leaders we will first of all demonstrate Christ’s love to one another as a testimony of God’s love to us. Recognizing that “we have this treasure in earthen vessels,” we will be aware that a shortage of laborers and resources for a growing ministry will place increasing demands upon those who serve in that ministry as well as opposition from the Enemy.  We will remain committed first of all to loving and serving one another within the NATIONAL family, and maintain authentic relationships and accountability in a spirit of humility. That love should be evident to those who observe our relationships, attracting them to the Savior whom we represent.

We Value Biblical Ethics

2 Timothy 2:5


We will be committed to practices personally and organizationally that are above reproach, making ourselves accountable to one another and to God believing that someday we will stand before a Holy God who will judge not only our actions but our motives. We will shun practices that will bring shame upon our Savior, the ministry to which He has called us, and our colleagues who serve with us. We believe that truthfulness and integrity will foster trust both within the organization and credibility with stakeholders and the general public.

We Value Excellence

Psalm 8:1, 16:3


Everything that is done in this ministry will be done well because we believe it is a reflection on our Lord who is called “Excellent.” We will seek to honor God by investing adequate time, resources, and energy to carry out our ministry with excellence so that our Lord will be glorified.